Freitag, 11. Januar 2008

Tonoyaki at Torigoe-Jinja

Somewhat awkward title, i know, but thats how its called. Shops and restaurants all reopened again, but The New Year period lasting for quite some days here in Japan and are followed by various typical acitivites. One i visited is the said Tonoyaki, where New Year decorations are burnt. Additionaly, people hold Omochi into the fire, using long bamboo sticks. Both of it is considered bringing good luck, for the new Year. This custom used to be a rather widespread one, but in Tokyo now it only survived at Torigoe-Jinja.

Omochi is typically eat for new year, it is a small cake made of - Yes! - rice. You hold it into the fire until its starting to turn black. Then you can eat it. I got my own stick, and roasted my own one. The taste was funny!

A more relaxed way of roasting your Omochi
The Dark side of Omochi


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